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Careers in Construction Month (CICM): Help celebrate and inspire future builders



Get ready to share your story this October during the 11th annual Careers in Construction Month (CICM), a month-long celebration of construction created by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and Build Your Future (BYF) to showcase construction careers and inspire the next generation of craft professionals.

Companies of all sizes, associations, organizations, schools and individuals will all share their stories on social media, highlighting innovation, diversity and opportunities, to help inspire young professionals to join the world of construction.

The construction industry today is a vibrant mix of innovation, creativity, and technology, and it’s essential to highlight its multifaceted nature to attract the next generation. CICM is unique in providing a month of opportunities to showcase a variety of voices.

This year it is even more important to share your story as the U.S. construction industry is in an extreme labor shortage, with roughly 650,000 workers needed. The shortage is complex with many causes, including an aging workforce and shifting cultural values.

What young people may not know is that construction is one of the highest-paying careers not requiring a college degree and most workers report a high level of happiness and satisfaction in their work.

Why CICM matters

  1. Raising Awareness: The first step to tackling an issue is acknowledging it. CICM shines a light on the vast opportunities that lie within the construction sector, from engineers and architects to electricians and site managers.
  2. Bridging the Skills Gap: With advancements in technology, the construction sector isn’t what it used to be. Today, it intertwines with tech, necessitating a new set of skills. CICM serves as a platform to introduce these skills to younger generations.
  3. Changing Perceptions: There’s a common misconception that construction jobs are simply about manual labor. CICM helps in reshaping this perception, highlighting the myriad of roles – both on and off the field.

How to share your story

The power of CICM lies in participation. Schools, colleges, construction firms and individuals are encouraged to:

  • Engage Early: Begin by collaborating with schools and universities to offer workshops, site visits, and internships. Giving students firsthand experience demystifies the industry and sparks interest.
  • Host Workshops: Introduce students to cutting-edge construction tech, like 3D modeling, drones and sustainable materials.
  • Offer Site Visits: Allow young professionals to witness firsthand the orchestration of a construction site.
  • Facilitate Mentorships: Seasoned professionals can offer invaluable insights to novices, steering their career paths.
  • Showcase Diversity: The construction world isn’t just about physical building. Highlight roles like architects, project managers, sustainability experts and tech integrators.
  • Embrace Technology: The construction industry is rapidly adopting tech solutions, from 3D modeling to drone surveys. Demonstrating how tech-savvy the field has become can appeal to a digitally native generation.
  • Promote Growth & Learning: Emphasize the continuous learning opportunities, be it on-the-job training, certifications, or advanced degrees. Construction is a career, not just a job. Those who enter early can advance quickly.
  • Highlight Global Opportunities: Construction skills are in demand worldwide. Share stories of professionals working on iconic projects around the globe.

Help build a better future

Young professionals bring innovation, fresh perspectives, adaptability to new tech, and an eagerness to shape the world. Careers in Construction Month is more than just a celebration; it’s a call to the youth, showing them the potential of a fulfilling career in construction. As October unfolds, share your story to help build a better future – one young professional at a time.

Resources to get started today

There are many ways to participate in CICM month, including a social media guide with editable graphics to create personal and professional messages that resonate. Don’t forget to post throughout the entire month using the hashtag #CICM.

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