Make the most of your trip with our hotel block and learn how to get to and around the show.

Hotel Rate & Availability Tool
Designed as a research tool for planning and budgeting, this tool allows you to search hotel availability without having to go through the actual booking site.
With this, you can:
- See which hotels are in the official show block.
- Browse hotel options that have availability for up to 25 rooms at a time.
- View available hotel locations, amenities, and pictures.
Coming Soon!
- Transportation Maps
- Airline Discounts
- "Show Your Badge" Discounts for Las Vegas
Beware of Unofficial Housing Offers
Maritz® & FHTglobal are the official hotel providers for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2026 show and the only companies that can sell rooms within the CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2026 official hotel blocks.
Please be aware some third-party travel companies may attempt to solicit housing for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2026 show. These companies are not authorized by Show Management and may provide false information regarding the availability of rooms at hotels within the show hotel booking program.
If you are contacted by a travel company other than Maritz® or FHTglobal, please report this immediately to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): . We encourage you to report anything you think may be a fraud, scam, or bad business practice. Click to learn more about impersonator fraud.
AEM continues to be actively engaged in support efforts to stop business impersonation fraud, click to learn more.
For questions, please contact Maritz's® customer service department:
Phone: 864-342-6397 (Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT)