Exhibitor Hotel and Travel Information
Companies with 500 or more priority points:
Phase 1
Companies with 100 - 499 priority points:
Phase 2
Companies with 0-99 priority points:
Phase 3
How Does it Work?
View other frequently asked questions about our priority hotel booking process.
Priority hotel booking will open in 3 phases based on the number of priority points your company has. Show Management will send a letter to companies that qualify for each phase starting in March 2025 (see chart above to review the dates for each phase). The letter will be sent via email from service@mapyourshow.com to the person who is listed on the space application as the primary contact, so if any updates need to be made on who receives this communication, please contact our customer success team at exhibitors@aem.org for assistance.
Don’t worry, you can still participate in the next phase. But your request will then be limited to what options are available in that phase. So be sure to mark these dates on your calendar.
You can reach out to our customer success team at exhibitors@aem.org for assistance. If you have lost or misplaced your login information for the Exhibitor Resource Center (Map Your Show), you will need to follow the password reset process on the login page (link to Exhibitor Dashboard | CONEXPO-CON/AGG). The housing request letter goes directly to the primary contact listed on the space application, so if updates need to be made, please reach out to our customer success team for assistance.
The priority number is calculated using the formula below, which incorporates the number of years your organization has been a member of either the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), National Stone Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) or National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), and the amount of square feet your company utilized at the 2023 show. It is as follows:
x 10
Definition of Years of Membership
Show Management chooses the company/division with the greatest number of years as an AEM member. An exhibitor must be a current member in good standing with AEM in order to have its years of membership used in calculating the membership number.
Definition of Past Participation number
Show Management uses the total square footage purchased by an exhibitor for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023. If a company acquired another company(s), the parent company can use the newly acquired company(s) space.

Hotel Rate & Availability Tool
Designed as a research tool for planning and budgeting, this tool allows you to search hotel availability without having to go through the actual booking site.
With this, you can:
- See which hotels are in the official show block.
- Browse hotel options that have availability for up to 25 rooms at a time.
- View available hotel locations, amenities, and pictures.
Coming Soon!
- Transportation Maps
- Airline Discounts
- "Show Your Badge" Discounts for Las Vegas
Beware of Unofficial Housing Offers
Maritz® & FHTglobal are the official hotel providers for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2026 show and the only companies that can sell rooms within the CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2026 official hotel blocks.
Please be aware some third-party travel companies may attempt to solicit housing for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2026 show. These companies are not authorized by Show Management and may provide false information regarding the availability of rooms at hotels within the show hotel booking program.
If you are contacted by a travel company other than Maritz® or FHTglobal, please report this immediately to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): ReportFraud.ftc.gov . We encourage you to report anything you think may be a fraud, scam, or bad business practice. Click to learn more about impersonator fraud.
AEM continues to be actively engaged in support efforts to stop business impersonation fraud, click to learn more.
For questions, please contact Maritz’s customer service department:
Phone: 864-342-6397 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Time)
Email: showmgmt-exh@maritz.com
Forgot Your Password?
No problem! You can contact the CONEXPO- CON/AGG Customer Success Team at U.S. & Canada: +1-866-236-0442 or International: +1-414-272-0943.